Configuration Reading


This document was written before the pop-config system was introduced in pop 10, the conf system will be completly deprecated in favor of the pop-config system


This document was written before the conf.integrate system was introduced. While the informantion in this document is relevant, it is recommended to use the conf.integrate system that extends the raw functionality shown here.

One of the classic issues with systems software development is adding configuration and options to CLI programs. The problem is that configuration data needs to come from multiple sources. Defaults need to be set, CLI options need to be accepted, config file(s) need to exist. Config file settings need to override defaults, while CLI options need to override both, but the CLI needs to be able to define the location of the config file(s). Finally there ends up being multiple sources of truth. Config options are documented in one place while config file options are documented elsewhere.

This little issue can get confusing, and turns into a manual process for many applications. Pop’s conf subsystem aims to solve this problem! Instead of having to maintain multiple sources of documentation, it is in one place. Instead of having to build the system that takes care of these deps, it is in one place. Instead of defining all of the loading of config files conf supports multiple file formats.

All in all, conf should make your life much easier!

Getting Started

To use conf start by adding the conf subsystem to your hub:


Next create a python dict with your configuration data, we will start with something simple:

    "cache_dir": {
        "default": "/var/cache/",
        "help": "The place to cache stuff!",

Now with a configuration dict you can call on it:

hub.OPTS =

Following pop conventions it would make sense to save your configuration values on the hub so they are available to your application.


Typically loading configuration is done at the beginning of an application. A good place therefore to load up configs could be as early as in the primary function in your first subsystem.

Adding Extra CLI Options

The CLI option is determined by the top level dict key, but often it is preferred to add an alternative or a shortcut option to the CLI, this can be easily added:

    "cache_dir": {
        "options": ["-C", "--cacheland"],
        "default": "/var/cache/",
        "help": "The place to cache stuff!",


The conf system supports setting actions. This allows for a flag to set an action within the parser. All of the flags for action that are supported by Argparser are supported here:

    "cheese": {
        "default": False,
        "action": "store_true",
        "help": "Say yes to cheese!",

Grouping CLI Options

Sometimes it is helpful for multiple CLI arguments to appear as a group. Just adding the group key is all you need:

    "cache_dir": {
        "options": ["-C", "--cacheland"],
        "group": "global",
        "default": "/var/cache/",
        "help": "The place to cache stuff!",
    "config": {
        "default": "/etc/config.toml",
        "group": "global",
        "help": "The location of the config file",
    "cheese": {
        "default": False,
        "action": "store_true",
        "group": "app",
        "help": "Say yes to cheese!",

Using Config Files

Enabling conf to read in config files can be done by just adding the options to the config dict. Add config to your CONFIG dict and conf will look for a config file at that location:

    "config": {
        "default": "/etc/config.toml",
        "help": "The location of the config file",
    "cache_dir": {
        "default": "/var/cache/",
        "help": "The place to cache stuff!",

Now when you call it will also look for a toml file in the location that is defined for config. TOML is the default but you can specify yaml or json, or you can use config_dir to scan an entire directory for multiple config files.

Using Nargs

Using nargs allows you to set up how many space delimited arguments are accepted by the option. This value is sent down to the Argparser nargs options. To see what can be passed in for nargs take a look at the python docs:

Using Positional args

It often makes sense to use positional arguments for your CLI options. This can be easily added to conf:

    "name": {
        "positional": True,
        "nargs": 1,
        "display_priority": 1,
        "help": "The name of the thing",
    "stuff": {
        "positional": True,
        "nargs": "*",
        "display_priority": 2,
        "help": "The stuff you need and want",

By using positional and display_priority you can determine the order of positional arguments. Keep in mind that if you set nargs to ‘*’ that will need to be the last argument.

Rendering CLI Data

Sometimes options on the command line need to represent complex data, such as dicts. To accomplish this the render flag can be set. This allows for a cli argument to be rendered through something like yaml or json:

    "mapping": {
        "default": {"foo": "bar", "baz": "quo"},
        "render": "yaml",
        "help": "A map of the things",

Now this command line will load into a dict:

my_command --mapping 'cheese: yes, bread: no'

More importantly, this allows for complex default data to be made available without sacrificing command line flexibility.

Enable OS Variables (Environment Vars and Registry)

Enabling OS variables as configuration sources for a given value can be easily done. An OS source is defined as an environment variable on Unix style systems and as an entry in the registry on Windows

Just add the os option to the values passed to the key in the configuration dict:

    "output_color": {
        "default": "red",
        "os": True,
        "help": "The color to print out",
    "test_extra_options": {
        "default": "reactive",
        "os": "TESTEXTRAOPTS",
        "help": "Test mode for the extra options",

The os option can be set to True, in which case the variable that will be read is the key. Or the os option can be set to a string which will be used to read the option. In the case os unix style systems the environment variable will be all uppercase to follow the standard convention.

Using Subcommands

Subcommands allow for the cli application to accept a second command, like the git command has git clone and git commit. To use subcommands just add another dict to define the subcommnds:

SUB = {
    "sub": {
        "desc": "a subparser!",
        "help": "Some subparsing",

    "foo": {
        "sub": "sub",
        "help": "Set some foo!",

So now you have a subcommand called sub and then under the subcommand the option foo resides.

As of the 7.5 release config options can be applied to multiple subcommands:

    "foo": {
        "default": False,
        "action": "store_true",
        "subs": ["create", "remove", "edit"],

SUBS = {
    "create": {
        "help": "Create some things",
        "desc": "Used to create the things",
    "remove": {
        "help": "Remove some things",
        "desc": "Used to remove the things",
    "edit": {
        "help": "Edit some things",
        "desc": "Used to edit the things",