Application Merging Overview

Application Merging is one of the most powerful components inside of Plugin Oriented Programming. This is the idea that since an application is comprised entirely of plugins using a predictable memory namespace, one should be able to take full applications and merge them onto a single hub, and a single application.

There are a number of goals and motivations for this concept. First off it enforces good software development, forcing that rules are followed in keeping the structure clean to avoid doing things that will violate app merging.

Some things that violate app merging are creating multiple hubs in an application as the merged app can get confused on how to address namespaces.


The ability to make multiple hubs is deeply discouraged, but so is making singletons. The ability to have multiple hubs should always be supported to maintain a clean separation of the hub from the underlying programming language implementation.

Another violation of app merging is to not follow the hub namespace rules, this creates opportunities for namespace collisions.

Why is App Merging a Big Deal?

The model inside of POP is not only built to make plugins easy to use, and make some cool namespaces, but to enable app merging.

When looking at any idealized concept, social, political, theological, engineering, etc. we paint a picture of an ideal world. We say that “Only if people would follow this ideal, all would be well”.

This is a grossly naive assertion to make on humanity, that we as humans seem to never stop making. Even when a philosophy is presented to compensate for human weakness we tend to corrupt that philosophy. So instead of looking at a concept through the eyes of an idealized future we should look at concepts as ways to compensate for human weakness while looking to accomplish real goals.

In application development we know that applications that are developed as collections of libraries present more reusable components. But in reality this ideal not often realized. This is because the creation of the application is the fundamental goal. Writing software is not about elegant engineering as much as it is about producing results. Any experienced software engineer has seen both sides of the spectrum, projects that are garbage because business goals drive poor engineering and projects that never see the light of day, or don’t present a strong use case because so much energy has been put into clean engineering that the project becomes pure art, the only purpose it has is itself.

POP presents interfaces to users in an attempt to solve this problem. Allow developers to natively and quickly create applications that solve busies needs but natively present themselves as clean, re-usable, library driven applications that can be easily re-used, in part or in whole.

The hub, plugins and patterns enable this! If an application is comprised of plugins then interfaces that need extending or re-purposing can be easily added inside a merged app. Patterns present isolated processes that deliver standalone value. This allows us to extend many of the merits of OOP, now we have, not only data and functions brought together, but we have entire application workflows encapsulated in reusable patterns.

App Merging Collision Points

When following POP there should be few app merging collision points. If namespaces are kept clean, and if namespace rules are followed, then the result is one where collisions should rarely occur.

The place where collisions are very like to occur though, is in configuration merging. This presents a truly serious issue. The conf system is built to resolve the collision problem to the smallest possible surface area. That surface area is the input level, where the configuration data is presented from the user.

Once the configuration information is loaded into the hub it has been namespaced and made available on the respective namespace used by the subs. But before that it needs to be read in from the cli. This is what the conf.integrate system is designed to solve. The information read from the files can be modified to resolve collisions without having an effect on the operation of the underlying configured systems.

How do I App Merge?

Actually doing an app merge is simple. It is really done in 2 places.

First, when you call conf.integrate the first option is a list of the apps you want to load configuration from. Just add the top level python import you want to use to the list of conf.integrate interfaces.

Second, add the subs to your hub, you will likely need to start up the subs and make your high level app start using the interfaces exposed by the subs, but that should be it! You should be able to add subs onto your hub just like they are really powerful classes.